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In this episode of The Insurance Technology Podcast, Reid chats with Send Chief People Officer Pat Caldwell about his early lessons in leadership, work ethic, acceptance and culture that influenced his career trajectory.

Tune in to hear how Pat’s aspirations evolved, from wanting to become a paramedic to going to law school and eventually sending off his good startup culture vibes within the HR insurtech space for an underwriting platform.

Episode Highlights

  • Documenting culture and leadership tips as an author (1:08)

  • Venturing into insurtech HR at Send (1:11)

  • Giving back, realizing work is not your identity (1:27)

  • Reminiscing on first-job lessons and “vintage” video stores (12:56)

  • Starting in HR at a large Australian mining company (24:09)

  • Leaving for London and entrepreneurial dreams (33:27)

You can also watch this episode on YouTube!


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“Culture is not the thing that ate strategy for breakfast. Culture is not the values on the wall. Culture is inherently complex; if you strip it down to a simpler form, it’s how things happen in the business.”

Pat Caldwell
Chief People Officer at Send

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